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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 68, Issue 3, pp. 599-905

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A Phase Field Method for Joint Denoising, Edge Detection, and Motion Estimation in Image Sequence Processing

T. Preusser, M. Droske, C. S. Garbe, A. Telea, and M. Rumpf

pp. 599-618

Homogeneous Branched-Chain Explosions

Luis L. Bonilla, Manuel Carretero, and J. B. Keller

pp. 619-628

Spectral Theory For an Elastic Thin Plate Floating on Water of Finite Depth

Christophe Hazard and Michael H. Meylan

pp. 629-647

Hydrodynamic Limit of a Fokker–Planck Equation Describing Fiber Lay-Down Processes

L. L. Bonilla, T. Götz, A. Klar, N. Marheineke, and R. Wegener

pp. 648-665

Inverse Bounds of Two-Component Composites

Christian Engström

pp. 666-679

Traveling Waves in a Bioremediation Model

Shangbing Ai

pp. 680-693

Cucker–Smale Flocking under Hierarchical Leadership

Jackie (Jianhong) Shen

pp. 694-719

Neural Timing in Highly Convergent Systems

Colleen Mitchell and Michael Reed

pp. 720-737

Stability of Traffic Flow Behavior with Distributed Delays Modeling the Memory Effects of the Drivers

Rifat Sipahi, Fatihcan M. Atay, and Silviu-Iulian Niculescu

pp. 738-759

Shock Solutions for Particle-Laden Thin Films

Benjamin P. Cook, Andrea L. Bertozzi, and A. E. Hosoi

pp. 760-783

Identification and Characterization of a Mobile Source in a General Parabolic Differential Equation with Constant Coefficients

Steven Kusiak and John Weatherwax

pp. 784-805

Diffeomorphic Surface Flows: A Novel Method of Surface Evolution

Sirong Zhang, Laurent Younes, John Zweck, and J. Tilak Ratnanather

pp. 806-824

The Nonlinear Critical Layer for Kelvin Modes on a Vortex with a Continuous Velocity Profile

S. A. Maslowe and N. Nigam

pp. 825-843

Partially Reflected Diffusion

A. Singer, Z. Schuss, A. Osipov, and D. Holcman

pp. 844-868

A Mathematical Model for the Steady Activation of a Skeletal Muscle

J.-P. Gabriel, L. M. Studer, D. G. Rüegg, and M.-A. Schnetzer

pp. 869-889

Random Covering of Multiple One-Dimensional Domains with an Application to DNA Sequencing

Michael C. Wendl

pp. 890-905